R.O.C.K. stands for "Raising our celiac kids", and is a support group for parents of children with celiac disease. The Dallas chapter's website came in extremely helpful the other day when Lillie came home from a birthday party (to which she brought her own cupcake and snack) clutching a General Mills Fruit by the Foot asking, "Can I have it? Can I have it?", when she was barely through the door.

It was a little frustrating not being able to say, "Yeah, sure." Right away. I told her I had to look it up. She urged me to look at the ingredients, but the item was out of the original box. I cheked my new favorite book, Gluten Free Grocery Shopping Guide, but it wasn't in there. I told her I would have to check online. But the computer wasn't working properly. More frustration for both of us. When I was able to get online, I found the info I needed amongst a large list of acceptable gluten free candy, from the R.O.C.K chapter.
Leave it to an industrious mom to put this list together! Thanks.
I just stumbled across your blog. I am a frum, gluten-sensitive adult and today I found a brand new product I feel like I must tell the entire Kosher GF world about... Betty Crocker now makes Gluten Free pareve baking mixes, under the MK (Montreal Kosher) hechsher. They are brand new, only been out since June, and I bought/made two of them tonight and am in love. So far the product line includes brownies, chocolate chip cookies, yellow cake, and devils food cake. I saw from reading that one of your daughters cannot have eggs, which I guess wouldn't work for these mixes, but for the one who cannot have wheat but CAN have eggs, this may make things a whole lot simpler for you (and her)! Enjoy!!